Accounting Products

Business Accounting

Pasteque Electronic & Computer Systems

General Characteristics

The Business Accounting created by the long-standing experience and the evolution of Epsilon Net in the field of Accounting applications. Covers all the contemporary needs of each accounting and provides a wealth of important and useful tool for enhanced financial reporting and budgeting.


With possibilities of viewing and editing of παραγώμενου article analytical even before it is created, full support scenarios and tasks αναμερισμούthe circuit cost Accounting can be customized to the needs of any business. Update either online either batch process and, of course, possible development of an independent accounting plan and numerous customizable prints.


Tracking the progress and evolution of a business becomes easier and more accurate than ever with the use of Indicators. Choose from a variety of ready indicators relating to liquidity, the policy management, the economic structure, the efficiency or / and the evaluation of Expenses or create your own unlimited indexes.


You can follow completely the movement and status of all of the securities of any company, auto-update Accounting through full παραμετροποιήσιμης bridge. Also take advantage of the unique opportunity provided for computerized version of cheques with automatic creation of a body αξιογράφου and entry drive version. Ideal solution for companies that issue a large volume of cheques.


Make your prints in foreign language or track your scores in a different development of this the lord your accounting plan. In this way, you can provide specific and friendly financial information to your customers with no additional cost!


The advanced Budget circuit provides you with a lot of possibilities, whether you want to compile a script easily and quickly using templates, or to configure it in detail at the level of General & Detailed Accounting, Transactions and / or business accounts and with any periodicity you wish. Maintain your original budget and review it as many times as you wish during the course of the period. Watch easily and quickly the report of the period with the touch of a button.


You can follow completely the movement and status of all of the securities of any company, auto-update Accounting through full παραμετροποιήσιμης bridge. Also take advantage of the unique opportunity provided for computerized version of cheques with automatic creation of a body αξιογράφου and entry drive version. Ideal solution for companies that issue a large volume of cheques.


Completion of Balance Sheet Closing processes and Profit's Distribution just by pressing a "button" and simply performing all the necessary steps. The process achieves the Accounting update while at the same time all the Annual Financial Statements and the possibility is provided for automatic Transfer of Account Balances in the next use.


Get rid of the time consuming process of registering documents of your customers who use any Commercial Application of the market, transferring in a few minutes all the data that update the accounting. It is also possible to transfer data from any Epsilon Net application.